Faculty of Economics and Rural Development (FERD) – one of the key faculties of Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), was established in 1961. Yearly, the faculty educates 500 -600 B.Sc degree holders, 250 – 300 master and doctoral degree graduates, and conducts a large number of scientific research projects and provides consultancy services to meet the society’s increasing demand for human resource development in the field of economic management, agriculture and rural development.Organizational structure.
FERD has 6 departments (Economics, Resource and Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics and Policies, Investment & Planning, Rural Development and Quantitative Analysis) and an Administrative Office. Dean and Associate Deans coordinate all faculty’s activities. The Faculty’s Councils for Scientific and Training and other affairs provides excellent consultancy for the Dean and the Faculty in implementing training and research activities.
Faculty employs about one hundred qualified lecturers, research and supportive staff. Of which, professors and associate professors account for 15%, doctoral degree holders amount to more than 50% and the rest are master degree holders. Many of them are internationally recognized. Majority of them were trained in market economies and development sciences in abroad such as the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China, Belgium, Bulgaria, Russia, Belgium, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Australia New Zealand and USA.
Faculty owns a large library with more than 10,000 book types, published in English, Vietnamese, Japanese, Russian and German and equipped with an electronic searching system, Conference and seminar rooms equipped with modern facilities and a Website for information exchange.